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The Pearl Divers - Elegy

Discussion in 'Critique & Feedback' started by Doug Gibson, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. An old-ish piece of mine.
    Was thinking of orchestrating this the first week of April.
    My publisher wants short pieces for high school orchestras.

    Open minded to any suggestions. The piece is sort of a distant memory for me, and thought I would post to
    help motivate myself, and ensure I do put "urgent" stuff in a proper time slot. (Allow time for these little - forever on the to-do list - things.)

  2. Hi Doug,

    I like the piece as is. It works very well for harp.

    It is hard to picture this coming off well with High School musicians.

    Here is a crazy thought. You write 40s sounding jazzy stuff very, very well. How about a series of pieces in a film noir mood. I believe you could pull off some very convincing pieces that would also be fun for the musicians and audiences. Make it fun for the kids and they will work hard to play it well. Each piece in the series could be based on characters or on scenes. "The Gum Shoe", "The Blonde Bombshell", "The Gangster". Or if scenes, things like "In Search of a Clue," or "The Nightclub," or "The Shootout." You get the idea.
  3. Well, well, well !!

    If it isn't our good friend Paul T McGraw ! Great to see you here again !

    How are you ? Everything well ?
    (Apologies if you stumble upon any unsavory treads in which my potty mouth uses everyone's ears as garbage cans for my filth.)

    Gosh..... you are pretty close to psychic with your comment. My publisher has asked me for three new pieces by June (I better get cracking !!)
    and one specific request, which is to re-arrange this piece (see below) for Big Band.

    They do both orchestral and Big Band.

    I was thinking since one noir piece is there already to search for other moods. I was thinking, after posting this, I could just use a title like
    "Zen Garden Walk" or some other generic title, and have 4-5 miniatures like you have outlined above.

    Thanks so much for your comment, and great to see you here again.

    Hope all is well, and many best wishes

  4. Hi Doug,

    I appreciate your kind regards. Yes, everything is well, or at least as well as it gets for me these days, :)

    "Minor Introspections" is really awesome, and a great example of your skill with this genre. I can see the sax players wearing fedoras for this. It could be soooo cool.
    Rohann van Rensburg likes this.
  5. Ah man, nailed this. The ambiance is perfect. Please do more!

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