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Structure of Masterclasses

Discussion in 'Info, Requests, etc.' started by William Monroe, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and very interested in many of Mike's Masterclasses. I can't seem to find any details as to the structure of the classes. Are they pretty much one stream or are there separate videos? I appreciate any help you can provide.
  2. Almost all of the masterclasses are Mike talking while demonstrating things on the keyboard or with recorded audio. The recent class on Brass is unlike any others as it involves live brass players demonstrating several ques. Although that class is $90 I recommend it highly. I played trombone all of my life, since elementary school, and I still enjoyed it very much and got a lot out of it.

    Some of the classes are more tightly organized than others. I would also highly recommend Orchestration 3. Also the template classes (I think there are two.)

    The classes that focus on a particular composer are very interesting as Mike examines some of their signature sounds. Plus, I just like them.

    For all of the classes, have a notebook handy and take notes during the video. There are numerous gems in every video so you want to take note of each little gem as it is presented as it is hard to find something specific later on.

    Lots of pearls of wisdom can also be found in the "Composition" series and the "Counterpoint" videos. In my opinion, almost everyone should be able to pick up a few pieces of advice from each video making the videos a very inexpensive way to learn the craft.
  3. Hey Paul, thanks for your reply and insight. Are the classes generally a few hours each?
    Paul T McGraw likes this.
  4. Yes, several hours each.
  5. Mike did a free class a few years ago, it should give you a pretty good idea of his classes. There are lots of other great videos on his YouTube channel too that you should check out.

    All the masterclasses are available here - https://mikeverta.com/product-category/masterclasses/
    Paul T McGraw likes this.

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