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Transcription Practice

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks & Talk' started by Doug Gibson, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. Don't know if this will be of any use.

    Lately I have been finding, when short on time, that simply recording my bad piano playing along with recording in
    Garageband has been enjoyable.

    I was able to do the passage below in about 30 min. It is a sketch/rough draft, but I am finding it lets me get a general sense of the work, and makes it a little easier when I go to Sibelius to do the proper verison

  2. Alright, so I'm not actually super slow :D

    But yeah, I do it this way too. Record piano, then fill out the orchestration. If I have the score, I compare and facepalm.
  3. So you guys play along with piano at first, then fill out in Sibelius? Interesting. I still find myself plinking away and agonizing over each detail. I can't figure out if that's more efficient (to get the full "exploded" version of what's going on) or to play along with basic melody and chords and expand from there.
  4. I was planning on making a explanation video, but it felt too odd. Not the same when no one else is around.

    This is NOT a method. I use this for certain things at certain times. I have other ways of working too.

    Basically I use this when I have limited amount of time. Thus, I can get more of the "gist" in a short time.
    Once I decide I really like it, yes...then fill out the details.

    However, I don't always work this way. Begin with the end in mind and work back.
    Rohann van Rensburg likes this.
  5. Ah, good point. I basically do the same if I want to quickly get the main idea, or harmony, etc of a piece. I hadn't thought of recording the quick transcription in a DAW though, that's a great way to quickly get it down.

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