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Victorian Post Mortem Overture No.1 in C-Major

Discussion in 'Critique & Feedback' started by Alexander Schiborr, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. Summary points

    I talked about counterpoint (and yes you seem to get the "gist" of what I am saying) as a function of Rythmn.

    In particular --- this is my term so I don't know if this is clear --- Staggered Voices.

    Let me use Mike's music to demonstrate.

    ( Now... I have no idea if ever talks about this in any of his classes. It may, or may not be a conscious thing he does.
    It does not matter too much as it's clearly in the music. I am just pointing to you something I hear in Mike's music a lot, that I don't in yours)

    Melody, whether played or sung (and in any register) is almost invariably accompanied by one or more instruments. There are three ways in which this occurs: 1) Melody first, then accompaniment 2) Accompaniment, then melody 3) All together (“tutti”)

    As a "tough love" I am going to put your opening from version 9 in between each example. Then we will hear the opening of composition by Mike two times;
    First, as he wrote it. 2nd-time "Un-staggering" the music.
    Notice is the last Verta example we get 2 uses of this device right away.

    Remember you are at a very advanced level.
    You can already skate by posting on VI-C and get nothing but glowing reviews.
    By default, things become more "detailed". I mean...... We have spent what 3-4 hours on the very first note of your piece. Actually on what comes before the first note.

    I too am feeling sleepy. Will finish summary later on
    Martin Hoffmann likes this.

  2. Wow. I have never replied to myself before. MEME (TM DG)

    Hope ya'll don't think less of me for it. (Psst. it feels kinda nice)

    So is anyone going to answer my question? :-(

  3. #43 Alexander Schiborr, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
    Hej mate hang on, I was orchestrating more the piece yesterday and to record for my album vocals for the 7th song... plus my brutal hit workout, I am sorry that it I didn´t replied yet. I will promise improvementsin that regards. :( I will later today look into it. Hope that this ok...
  4. Actually his motivic development at 1:36 is based on his accompainment before when he starts with his theme presenting it on the right hand with his melody and the left hand, actually he switched it to a motivic thing. Is that what you meant? The repeated notes were all over the place right before. Hmm.
  5. #45 Alexander Schiborr, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
    @Doug Gibson Also I reached the 9 minute something mark, also I reworked some of the brass voicing, specifically the Tenor and Bassbones, I am right now reaching the furious..murderer part..first time also I decided to use some crotales and all kinds of chimes, specifically for the festive sections at 8 minutes. Also i repurposed there that note repetion thingy from the beginning sections are some flourishes on harp / fl and piccs. So..3-4 minutes left and of course we I need to add more layers to the ealier sections (counterpoint and the "aid" thing). Lets make that happen..Later on I will work out the right pacing with the tempo map. I tried already to keep things dynamic in that regards, but there goes more.
  6. Don't be silly. You know how bad I am myself at this. Didn't I take 2 months to reply to you recently?

    Let's not make his trick TOO meaningful

    Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 3.37.57 AM.png
  7. Well the new stuff is the best. Keep on going !
  8. Well...thats very obvious like I said..but its good that you point me to such things..it is pretty repurposing an elements which he moved now to the more center of interest. Yeah I know..so I don´t feel to bad at all..
  9. Well.... if I was to (not that I am) nudge you (not that I am that type of person) and ask if so obvious, how many pieces (or what %) around here show that degree of varied repetition?
  10. #50 Alexander Schiborr, Sep 18, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
    Thats great, actually I talked with Dillon just now about some other spots where I will do such things. To answer that how many pieces show that varied reps, sure not that many. But with obvious I meant that watching Mozarts piece from a perspective of repurporsing material it becomes obvious at least at that spots which we talked about. Believe me I am very grateful for all the suggestions and I am going to apply them today to the parts and development. In the end: That is why I love redbanned so much that we work here in detail to improve our craft.
  11. The ONLY one spot I personally implore you to change it the very first one we hear. Do....anything else you want. Music is endless.
    Every time we learn one new thing, 3-4 things open up to explore.

    You already can just post this or another orchestral piece of yours on VI-C and get 100 likes. However, I believe you mentioned to me an open-ended question of wanting to learn something new.

    The piece is cooking along, sounds great etc...etc. . It's also now at a dense stage and changes aren't practical, so as I've mentioned it's time for me to "butt-out".

    Except for the opening sound. Don't do it. It's half as bad as black metal. :D (ok, I am exaggerating. 25%)

    Do something you wouldn't. It's the easiest place to make a change. Just Measure 1 and 2. That is all I am asking.

    Melody, whether played or sung (and in any register) is almost invariably accompanied by one or more instruments. There are three ways in which this occurs: 1) Melody first, then accompaniment 2) Accompaniment, then melody 3) All together (“tutti”)

    Yours is 3) All together (“tutti”)

    Next - with voice leading, we have three options (I'm omitting textbook definitions like "similar motion" and letting parallel count for the same direction)

    1. Contrary Motion - voices move in the opposite direction
    2. Oblique Motion: One voice moves the other stays the same
    3. Parallel Voice Leading: All voices move in the same direction

    Yours is 3) All voices move in the same direction. (Parallel octaves with the E to F) It's quasi-Oblique as you re-attack the G and B, but ... that is a stretch at best.

    So there are 6 factors. It is finite. You have 3 & 3. Do anything else but returning to 3 & 3.

    If just nudge the melody in either direction the 8th note we would get 1&3 or 2&3.

    A different inversion of either of your two chords would also avoid 3&3

    Yes, we can go around and around and have 20 different ways to write this.........but don't do this to me...:(


    Two separate examples below in the same audio file.

    1. Taking your same motivic “gesture” of skip by 3rd and step in the opposite direction.

    2. This is from my sketch "Grave Yard". It's NOT A COMPOSITION. It's subjective of course..... I often create a few examples of the same "moment" and then later try and figure out where they all go. So you are just hearing the same moment/gesture. Like I said....it's dead and buried in the graveyard, but this show contrary motion with voice leading and "some-what" in the sound world you like.

    In this example, as part of a BMI film scoring workshop/contest, I was asked to re-compose something in the style of Hermann for the first Madeline scene - in the restaurant. Voices enter separately. Melody first. (1)

    Here is accompaniment first:

    Or how you can look at the cut-off of durations and use that

    (from my video course grave yard :() I should just put them all up on RB as I don't think I'll ever finish it. :(

  12. Will check it out later mate..had a bit a hangover and trying to recuperate. PS: I passed through the murder part.
  13. I am emulating right now a 1940s recording..post later..with the new parts, so on steroids right now @Doug Gibson
  14. 1940 sound rendering try (I altered the micings..used only ortf, and close, a bit of surround) and finally passed the murder part..

    Alex O'Hagan and Matt Varone like this.
  15. #55 Alexander Schiborr, Sep 19, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
    @Doug: I applied some Mozart Techniques on a specific section short before the murderer Part. I did hide the ostinato in the part at 8:20 right before it enters the next section and becomes the focal point of development. Would it make sense to create a score sheet for that track? I heard someone saying that this should be performed live and I should try out reaching orchestra or labels. Any idea? I don´t want to ridicule myself.

  16. Hey!

    I'll give you a longer, better reply later today. In the meantime perhaps @Thomas Bryla has some opinions he could share?

    Keep on going with the writing !!

    One thing....to be honest, and I hope it does not land negatively, I personally don't like the 40's emulation rendering. I like the "natural" (oh the irony)
    version better. It has more life/zest to it IMO before the emulation was added
  17. Okay, that was just a quick try. Anyways I am through the piece, I lost a bit my mind during the last minute..and I am not yet entirely done. I think I need vacation or some kind of zen therapy pretty soon.
  18. #58 Alexander Schiborr, Sep 20, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2019
    So..there is still a lot of shit to work on..but the intention is there, ok...(I know..programming..certain other shit..but for today I am done..also with my nerves..)

    1940s emulation:

    will take a break over the weekend (have to prepare some stuff for a meeting..)
  19. I don't have any comments at the moment but if you ever do create a score for performance/recording I would definitely have a look at it.
  20. Thanks Thomas for chiming in, much appreciated. Allright, when there is a score available, of course I will post it then here.

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